The first eBook of the FAIRCOM Project investigates the availability of State and Offender Compensation for victims of sexual violence in the following EU Member States Greece, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands and Spain. This project, funded by the EU, was established to promote an efficient and effective model for fair and appropriate compensation to victims of sexual crimes in the EU.
As part of this, they released the first in a series of eBooks Compensation of victims of sexual violence in EU member States: Greece, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands and Spain. Following the release of this eBook, a new Italian Inter-Ministerial Decree about sexual victims’ compensation was adopted. The regulation transposing EU Directive established state compensation for victims of sexual violence. The new Inter-ministerial Decree fixes the compensation costs:
- For murder, a fixed amount of 50 thousand euro;
- For murder committed by the spouse or by a person linked by relationship to the offended person, a fixed amount of 60 thousand euros exclusively in favour of the children of the victim;
- For sexual violence, in the fixed amount of 25 thousand euros (except for less seriousness).
Medical expenses of up to €10,000 can be added to this amount if certified.
Visit FAIRCOM’s page to keep updated.